Friday, March 27, 2009

Good Morning!

Good morning!! How ya today? It's friday and i love it. Always 2 main reason why i love it :)

1. Today office hour up to 4.30pm
an hour earlier than usual.
2. Tomorrow it week-end - holiday and can wake up late in the morning!

Just now i wake up early around 5am, wash all my sleeping shorts. Aiyoo no more in stock maaa so by forced have to washed it out. Right now still thinking what to have for breakfast haaa??

Should i have this with coffee at home or

Go to the bakery to buy my favourite cheese bun and have coffee with friends?

Emm.... still got a few minits to think about it.........

Now, i'm imagined my messy office table and plan what and how should i do to cleared it up. So much things have to do, but have to planned it wisely so which should be done first, which is urgent and which is can do lenggang lenggang kangkung.

We always said, bila lah keja ni nak abis right? Hmmm... actually we should pray, harap lah keja ni takkan abis. Cause if abis, we'll be jobless. Who want to employed more employee than the job that should be done especially in this current economy.

Well, we and me myself always forget and less appreciate of what we doing everyday....Should be glad that we have load and load of works to do so it's mean we are working and worth to be paid off. But, lain padang lain belalang, lain org lain pandangan. Tepuk dada tanya selera......... waaaaseeeyyy!!!! berumpama sokmo lak me

Ok time up!!! i know what to have for breakfast. Go and meet my friends as this week-end i won't seeing them. So do some gossiping before week-end. Papaiiii!!!!!!!



  1. lama tak makan roti canai ye...kalau flu macam nie kan alamak melelehlah hingusan kerana makan kari ...lalalalala lah pulak L :)

  2. uiit org sakit mana bleh makan roti canai. nanti makin panas hah...


tq, peace :)